::OMG. SERIOUSLY darlings- What were You like at 12? Were you even
thinking about fashion? Not just following the masses and wearing what everyone else in your grade is, fashion... I'm talking about starting a fashion revolution at that age, wearing whatever your heart truly desired, even if all the other middle
schoolers thought you were weird?!
At 12 I had really bad self esteem, stood at 4'8 and weighed about 72 pounds- baby waif. I was beyond insecure, and wore anything and everything to cover up. Long shirts, baggy jeans, no skirts or dresses or anything that was remotely different than what all the other middle
schoolers were wearing. My hair was pin straight, lifeless and long (didn't get my first "real haircut" until 18) a walking disaster.
I think I just discovered the person I
wish I was at 12! I'm sure you've probably heard of her by now... An old soul by the name of
Tavi. A 12 year old fashion blogger over at
Style Rookie, and NO that wasn't a typo. The darling is
TWELVE... As in thirteen minus one, 1-2, but let me tell you, this girl's blog is (as Rachel Zoe would say)
She's just as competent and informed as many other fashion bloggers out there twice her age, and her posts are engaging, witty and oh so chic- not bad for a style rookie.
Her obsession with "
thrifting" rivals mine, and her posts are fun, insightful, well written and addictive.Here's a hysterical excerpt from one of
her posts on thrifting...
In shopping news, I went to Goodwill yesterday with my mom. I found the perfect
studded belt, but decided not to get it because it just didn't seem like "me".
Then, after getting some fabric for a skirt I'm making, a decent swimsuit at
Target (not really worth posting), and stopping at Home Depot, I decided I
wanted the belt. I NEED the belt. We went back, thinking it closed at 8 rather
than 9, and was relieved to see it was still open. So here I am, happily sitting
with my belt :) My mom doesn't really like it, she said it was too "aggressive".
Tavi styles mini pictorials, and fills us in on her amazing finds... here are some of my favorites:
Tween Queen
I honestly don't even remember how I came her blog, as I have the tendency to just blog surf and click on random blogs, but a quick
google search showed that she's been
prfofiled by the New York Times and many other news sites (some not so enthusiastic) with headlines such as "Protect Kids Who Blog From Danger" (valid point indeed!).
thrilled to have stumbled upon this one, because
Tavi's blog a gem! I haven't been this excited since Marc Jacob's named the "BB" bag last season after my Love and fellow fashion blogger
Bryan Boy.
Oh Bryan I adooooore you! Quiero tener quatro de tus ninos y vestirlo todo los dias en Prada! Dime que tambien me amas?!
Tavi= 2 Cool 4 School
What's there not to love about a 12 year old who basically encapsulates everything that fashion is supposed to be? lighthearted, fun and never taken too seriously...But don't take my word for it...
Ch-ch-check Style Rookie for yourself!xoxo Much Love!
Model Citizen