Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dying to be thin

I know this happened earlier on this week, but I Can't stop thinking about it. As much as I adore fashion, this is really one of it's evil sides; the pressure to stay unnaturally thin.

Ana Carolina Resto was a young up and coming model who literally died trying to fit this standard of beauty.

The death of Ana Carolina Reston, 21, follows growing criticism of the use of underweight models in the fashion world, an issue given new significance after the death in August of Uruguayan model Luisel Ramos of heart failure during a fashion show in Montevideo.

Reston died Tuesday in a Sao Paulo hospital from a generalized infection caused by anorexia, an eating disorder in which sufferers obsessively deprive themselves of food in pursuit of an ultra-slim look.

Reston weighed only 88 pounds and was about 5 feet 8 inches tall. Doctors consider this weight normal for a 12-year-old girl no more than about 5 feet tall.

I hope that her death brings further insight to the ugliest side of the fashion world, and creates some sort of industry change. High power agencies should begin taking a deeper role in their models lifestyles, and learn to see them as human beings, rather than disposable commodities...

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