Monday, July 17, 2006

Stupid ad of the day

As I walked through Grand Central on my way home from work today, I noticed a huge ad in the subway system. It was a picture of Supermodel Claudia Schiffer encouraging people to "invest in Germany". Great, except she only directed this message toward men.

Here's a picture of the poster... If I remember to bring my digital to work tomorrow, I'll take a picture of it.

What kind of message does this send to society? That only men or "boys" hold the institutional power to invest? This is bullshit and I'm calling her on it!!!!

I don't care how pretty she is, she's an air head, and it upsets me that an ad like this was so prominently placed in Grand Central. Shame on the MTA for approving this! Shame on Claudia for signing on to do this!....

Your thoughts???


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